The SYMON Monitoring Plugin for Dell EMC VNX File monitors the hardware, datamovers, and all associated components. The most important monitored service is the file system itself.

Memory UsageChecks for memory usage.
Storage poolStorage pool check.
File systemChecks for filesystem usage.
DataMoverChecks for datamover status.
CheckpointChecks for checkpoint status.
TreeQuotaChecks for treequota check.
VDMStatusChecks for virtual data mover status.
Volume IntegrityChecks for volume integrity check.
DataMover HardwareChecks for datamover hardware status.
Celerra StatusChecks for Celerra status.
Checkpoint StorageChecks for checkpoint usage.
Control stationControl station check.
SAVVolumeChecks for savvolume usage.
CPU UsageChecks for cpu usage.
The SYMON Monitoring Plugin for VNX File consists of various checks for different components of the Dell EMC VNX system.
VNX File Systems
  • 8.1
  • EL 6/7
  • Supported OP5 release
  • nagios version 3.5.1 and version 4.0.8 or newer
  • python2.6/2.7
Python libraries
  • Sys
  • Re
  • argparse
  • Lxml
  • Time
  • cookielib
  • Imp
  • Os
  • importlib
  • urllib
  • urllib2
VNX Access
  • To allow access for Nagios to the VNX for file system, you must make sure that the XML API is enabled. The user must have reading permission on the VNX.
Release 1.0.2
  • VNX API clientHandle function added
Release 1.0.0
  • First release