Check | Beschreibung | |
Data Collector | Prüfung des Hauptdatensammlers. | |
Array | Überprüft den Verbindungsstatus der konfigurierten Speicher-Arrays. | |
Cluster Summary | Prüft die Cluster-Zusammenfassung. | |
Director | Prüft den Direktorstatus. | |
DistDevices | Prüft die verteilten Geräteattribute. | |
Engine | Prüft alle VPLEX-Maschinen. | |
Islands | Meldet Diskrepanzen zwischen den VPLEX-Insel-IDs. | |
Ports | Überprüft alle Ports. | |
View | Prüft alle definierten Speicheransichten. | |
VPN | Prüft den VPN-Status. | |
Witness | Prüft Ausfälle des Admin- und Betriebszustandes. |
VPLEX Systeme
- 5.3
- 5.4
- 5.5
- EL 6/7
- Unterstützte OP5-Version
- JSON::XS (optional, aber empfohlen)
- Net::SSL
- Nagios::Plugin
- Config::IniFiles
- Readonly (für v1.0.x)
- Const::Fast (für v1.1.x oder höher)
- List::MoreUtils
- FindBin
- Data::Dumper
- Hash::Util
- utf8
- File::Basename
- (Smart::Comments, nur zur Fehlersuche)
Release 1.1.0
- Großes Update, erfordert modernes Perl. Für Perl 5.8.x verwenden Sie Release 1.0.x.
- Leistungsverbesserungen, Behebung von Problemen (Switch, ReadOnly)
- Erfordert modernes Perl (5.10.1)
Release 1.0.5_1
- Universelles Getter und POSTing von Befehlen mit Argumenten
Release 1.0.5
- Verbesserungen der Dokumentation
- requirements.rst
- Installation spiegelt Änderungen in Nagonfig besser wieder.
- Warnung über mögliche Auswirkungen von direct-checks hinzugefügt
Release 1.0.4
- Verbesserungen der Dokumentation
Release 1.0.2 und 1.0.3
- Verbesserungen der Dokumentation
Release 1.0.1
- Unterstützung für neuere VPLEX-API hinzugefügt
- Verbesserungen der Dokumentation
- Mehrere Fehler in der Benutzeroberfläche behoben
- get_cfg jetzt unterhalb von scripts/Vplex-dir
- Smart::Comments wird nicht mehr benötigt
Release 1.0.0
- Erste Freigabe 2013-06-30
Details zu: Data Collector
Usage: -H <host> --root=<path/to/component> [--help] [...]
-?, --usage Print usage information
-h, --help Print detailed help screen
-V, --version Print version information
--extra-opts=[section][@file] Read options from an ini file. See
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-u, --user=STRING Username and password to login at the Management Host.
Delimiter is a %-sign. F.e. 'nagios%MyPass'
-f, --authfile=STRING Authentication file with login and password.
Defaults to '/usr/local/quorum/monitoring/etc/vplex_credentials.ini'
File syntax:
--show_password Only usefull for debugging and if -v|--verbose is set.
Normaly only stars are printed (according to the number of characters) for the password
in verbose output. If set, the password is shown in clear-text.
--output=STRING Format of the output. Possible values are 'nagios' and 'cmd'.
-w, --warning=STRING Warning threshold for the total-time
-c, --critical=STRING Critical threshold for the total-time (See --warning.)
-r, --root=STRING Data path (context) to retrieve.
Example: -> '/distributed-storage/distributed-devices/*'
See --data_source in the help of the check for the roots value. Only selected checks need a collector.
If --data_source is not mentioned in the help, this check does not need a collector.
--explore Switches into explore mode and prints to stdout. Works similar to the CLI 'ls' command. '*'
lists a context. Not for monitoring.
-o, --data_dir=STRING Directory where the collected data is stored. Defaults to
-t, --timeout=INTEGER Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check contacts exactly one 'Management Host' (one IP) and presents it's specific view of all
cluster members.
It may be advisable to configure one service check for each 'Management Host'.
Active check.
Details zu: Array
Usage: -H <host> --cluster <cluster> -n <instance> [--help] [...] -H <host> --explore=*
-?, --usage Print usage information
-h, --help Print detailed help screen
-V, --version Print version information
--extra-opts=[section][@file] Read options from an ini file. See
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-u, --user=STRING Username and password to login at the Management Host.
Delimiter is a %-sign. F.e. 'nagios%MyPass'
-f, --authfile=<path> Authentication file with login and password.
Defaults to '/usr/local/quorum/monitoring/etc/vplex_credentials.ini'
File syntax:
--show_password Only usefull for debugging and if -v|--verbose is set.
Normaly only stars are printed (according to the number of characters)
for the password in verbose output. If set, the password is shown in clear-text.
--cluster=STRING Name of the arrays cluster.
-n, --instance=STRING Instance name (name of the storage-array) to check.
The names of the storage-array are listed under
-a, --attribute=STRING Arrays attributes to check. Can be one of: connectivity-status
--mock_dump Please ignore, for internal use only
--explore=STRING Explores available contextes and components.
Works similar to the symcli 'ls' command. Starts with '/clusters'
-t, --timeout=INTEGER Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check contacts exactly one 'Management Host' (one IP) and presents it's specific view of all
cluster members.
It may be adviseable to configure one servicecheck for each 'Management Host'.
$ -H --cluster VSC-VPLEX1 -n EMC-CLARiiON-CK200072200055
Active check.
Details zu: Cluster Summary
Reports on health and operational state of a cluster (/clusters/<cluster>)
Usage: -H <host> -u <user> [--help] [...] -H <host> --explore=* | --explore=<context1>/<context2>
-?, --usage Print usage information
-h, --help Print detailed help screen
-V, --version Print version information
--extra-opts=[section][@file] Read options from an ini file. See
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-u, --user=STRING Username and password to login at the Management Host.
Delimiter is a %-sign. F.e. 'nagios%MyPass'
-f, --authfile=<path> Authentication file with login and password.
Defaults to '/usr/local/quorum/monitoring/etc/vplex_credentials.ini'
File syntax:
--show_password Only usefull for debugging and if -v|--verbose is set.
Normaly only stars are printed (according to the number of characters)
for the password in verbose output. If set, the password is shown in clear-text.
-c, --cluster=STRING Name of the cluster to check.
-s, --status=STRING Clusters state or status to check.
Can be one of: health, operational. Defaults to health
--explore=STRING Explores available contextes and components.
Works similar to the symcli 'ls' command. Starts with '/clusters'
--mock_dump Please ignore, for internal use only
-t, --timeout=INTEGER Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check contacts exactly one 'Management Host' (one IP) and presents it's specific view of all
cluster members.
It may be adviseable to configure one servicecheck for each 'Management Host'. Can check for several
see option --status for details.
$ perl -s operational
$ perl
Active check.
Details zu: Director
Reports the following director states:
* operational-status
* communication-status
* commissioned
* auto-boot
* auto-restart
* health-state
* temperature-threshold-exceeded
* voltage-threshold-exceeded
Usage: -H <host> -e <engine> -n <instance> [--help] [...] -H <host> --explore=* | --explore=<context1>/<context2>
-?, --usage Print usage information
-h, --help Print detailed help screen
-V, --version Print version information
--extra-opts=[section][@file] Read options from an ini file. See
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-u, --user=STRING Username and password to login at the Management Host.
Delimiter is a %-sign. F.e. 'nagios%MyPass'
-f, --authfile=<path> Authentication file with login and password.
Defaults to '/usr/local/quorum/monitoring/etc/vplex_credentials.ini'
File syntax:
--show_password Only usefull for debugging and if -v|--verbose is set.
Normaly only stars are printed (according to the number of characters)
for the password in verbose output. If set, the password is shown in clear-text.
-e, --engine=STRING Name of the engine to check.
-n, --instance=STRING Instance name to check.
-a, --attribute=STRING Directors attributes to check. Can be one of: operational-status,
communication-status, commissioned, auto-boot, auto-restart, health-state,
temperature-threshold-exceeded, voltage-threshold-exceededDefaults to operational-status
--mock_dump Please ignore, for internal use only
--explore=STRING Explores available contextes and components. Works similar to the symcli 'ls' command.
Starts with '/engines'. Set it to '*' to see the sub-contexts of /engines.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check contacts exactly one 'Management Host' (one IP) and presents it's specific view of all
cluster members.
It may be adviseable to configure one servicecheck for each 'Management Host'.
$ -H -e engine-1-1 -n director-1-1-A
$ -H -e engine-1-1 -n director-1-1-A --attribute=communication-status
Active check.
Details zu: DistDevices
Reports the following distribured device attributes:
* operational-status
* health-state
* (service-)state
* auto-resume
Usage: --help -H <host> [-I <instance>] [ -X <instance> ] [...] -H <host> --explore=* | --explore=<context1>/<context2>
-?, --usage Print usage information
-h, --help Print detailed help screen
-V, --version Print version information
--extra-opts=[section][@file] Read options from an ini file. See
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-u, --user=STRING Username and password to login at the Management Host.
Delimiter is a %-sign. F.e. 'nagios%MyPass'
-f, --authfile=STRING Authentication file with login and password.
Defaults to '/usr/local/quorum/monitoring/etc/vplex_credentials.ini'
File syntax:
--show_password Only usefull for debugging and if -v|--verbose is set.
Normaly only stars are printed (according to the number of characters)
for the password in verbose output. If set, the password is shown in clear-text.
-I, --include=STRING Optional name of the instances that should be checked. If omitted all instances
are checked, except of excluded ones (see --exclude). Can be repeated. Can be a
regular expression like 'bak\d*-sales_department'.
-X, --exclude=STRING Instances which should not be checked. Can be repeated for excluding more than
one object. Can be a regular expression like 'bak2010\d*'.
Logic: monitor that instance if ANY include-option AND NO exclude-option matches.In other words: exclude
--operational_status_ok=STRING The 'Operational Status' considered to be ok. Defaults to 'ok'.
--health_state_ok=STRING The 'Health State' considered to be ok. Defaults to 'ok'.
--status_ok=STRING The 'Status' considered to be ok. Defaults to 'running'
--auto_resume_ok=STRING Values for 'Auto Resume' which is considered to be ok. Defaults to 'false'
-w, --warning=STRING Warning threshold for the rebuild-eta (If a rebuild is in progress,
the estimated time remaining for the current rebuild to complete.)
No default. Check for rebuild-eta will only be performed,
if at least one of the thresholds (-w, -c) is set.
-c, --critical=STRING Critical threshold for the rebuild-eta (See --warning.)
--explore=STRING Explores available contextes and components. Works similar to the symcli
'ls' command. Starts with '/distributed-storage/distributed-devices'
Set it to '*' to see the sub-contexts of /distributed-storage/distributed-devices.
--data_source, --source=STRING From where a check gets its data, one of collector, vplex Defaults to
vplex: Get data by opening a SSL-connection to the VPLEX-system.
collector: Get data from a local store. Requires a collector-service
(get_vplex_data) configured with --root='/distributed-storage/distributed-devices/*'
-o, --data_dir=STRING Directory where the collected data is stored.
Defaults to /root/tho/vplex/Vplex/collected_data/
--max_age=STRING Maximum age in minutes for the store. Defaults to 15 minutes.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check contacts exactly one 'Management Host' (one IP) and presents it's specific view of all
cluster members.
It may be adviseable to configure one servicecheck for each 'Management Host'.
$ -H
$ -H -n ddev_CX3_Site1_Cluster2-Disk1-1
$ -H -X ddev_CX3_Site1_Cluster2-Disk1-1
Active check.
Details zu: Engine
Checks operational-status and speed-threshold-exceeded of all VPLEX engines.
Usage: -H <host> -e <engine> -o <object> -n <instance>
[--help] [...] -H <host> --explore=* | --explore=<context1>/<context2>
-?, --usage Print usage information
-h, --help Print detailed help screen
-V, --version Print version information
--extra-opts=[section][@file] Read options from an ini file. See
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-u, --user=STRING Username and password to login at the Management Host.
Delimiter is a %-sign. F.e. 'nagios%MyPass'
-f, --authfile=<path> Authentication file with login and password.
Defaults to '/usr/local/quorum/monitoring/etc/vplex_credentials.ini'
File syntax:
--show_password Only usefull for debugging and if -v|--verbose is set. Normaly only stars are
printed (according to the number of characters) for the password in verbose output.
If set, the password is shown in clear-text.
-e, --engine=STRING Name of the engine to check. Defaults to 'engine-1-1'
-o, --object=STRING Objects to check. Can be one of: fans, power-supplies, stand-by-power-supplies,
mgmt-modules. Defaults to fans
-n, --instance=STRING Instance name to check.
-w, --warning=INTEGER Warning threshold in seconds for the remaining battery time. Any value below that
(but higher than the critical-treshold) will result in a warning. Defaults to 600.
-c, --critical=INTEGER Critical threshold in seconds for the remaining battery time.
See also --warning Defaults to 300.
--mock_dump Please ignore, for internal use only
--explore=STRING Explores available contextes and components. Works similar to the symcli 'ls' command.
Starts with '/engines'. Set it to '*' to see the sub-contexts of /engines.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check contacts exactly one 'Management Host' (one IP) and presents it's specific view of all
cluster members.
It may be adviseable to configure one servicecheck for each 'Management Host'.
$ -H -e engine-1-1 -o fans -n fan-psa0-exhaust
Active check.
Details zu: Islands
Usage: -H <host> -u <user> [--help] [...] -H <host> --explore=* | --explore=<context1>/<context2>
-?, --usage Print usage information
-h, --help Print detailed help screen
-V, --version Print version information
--extra-opts=[section][@file] Read options from an ini file. See
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-u, --user=STRING Username and password to login at the Management Host.
Delimiter is a %-sign. F.e. 'nagios%MyPass'
-f, --authfile=<path> Authentication file with login and password.
Defaults to '/usr/local/quorum/monitoring/etc/vplex_credentials.ini'
File syntax:
--show_password Only usefull for debugging and if -v|--verbose is set. Normaly only stars are
printed (according to the number of characters) for the password in verbose output.
If set, the password is shown in clear-text.
--mock_dump Please ignore, for internal use only
--explore=STRING Explores available contextes and components. Works similar to the symcli 'ls' command.
Starts with '/clusters'. Set it to '*' to see the sub-contexts of /clusters.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check contacts exactly one 'Management Host' (one IP) and presents it's specific view of all
cluster members.
It may be adviseable to configure one servicecheck for each 'Management Host'.
Active check.
Details zu: Ports
Checks all frontend, backend, WAN and local communication ports and reports mismatches of the port status from the desired state.
Usage: --help -H <host> -e <engine> -d <director> --role <role> [...] -H <host> --explore=* | --explore=<CLI-path>
-?, --usage Print usage information
-h, --help Print detailed help screen
-V, --version Print version information
--extra-opts=[section][@file] Read options from an ini file. See
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-u, --user=STRING Username and password to login at the Management Host.
Delimiter is a %-sign. F.e. 'nagios%MyPass'
-f, --authfile=<path> Authentication file with login and password.
Defaults to '/usr/local/quorum/monitoring/etc/vplex_credentials.ini'
File syntax:
--show_password Only usefull for debugging and if -v|--verbose is set.
Normaly only stars are printed (according to the number of characters)
for the password in verbose output. If set, the password is shown in clear-text.
-I, --include=STRING Optional name of the instances that should be checked. If omitted all instances
are checked, except of excluded ones (see --exclude). Can be repeated. Can be a
regular expression like 'bak\d*-sales_department'.
-X, --exclude=STRING Instances which should not be checked. Can be repeated for excluding more than
one object. Can be a regular expression like 'bak2010\d*'.
Logic: monitor that instance if ANY include-option AND NO exclude-option matches.
In other words: exclude overides include.
--mock_dump Please ignore, for internal use only
-e, --engine=STRING Name of the engine to check.
-d, --director=STRING Name of the director to check.
-n, --instance=STRING Instance- (=port) name to check., E.g. 'A0-FC00'
--port_status=STRING The port status the port SHOULD have - any other value triggers an alarm.
Defaults to 'up' Other values are e.g. 'no-link', 'down', ...
--role=STRING The port status the port SHOULD have - any other value triggers an alarm.
Can be repeated to allow more than one status to be ok.
Possible values are e.g. 'front-end', 'back-end', 'wan-com', 'local-com', ...
--explore=STRING Explores available contextes and components. Works similar to the symcli 'ls' command.
Starts with '/engines'. Set it to '*' to see the sub-contexts of /engines.
--data_source=STRING From where a check gets its data, one of collector, vplex Defaults to collector
vplex: Get data by opening a SSL-connection to the VPLEX-system.
collector: Get data from a local store. Requires a collector-service
(get_vplex_data) configured with --root='/engines/**/directors/**/hardware/ports/*'
-o, --data_dir=STRING Directory where the collected data is stored. Defaults to
--max_age=STRING Maximum age in minutes for the store. Defaults to 15 minutes.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check contacts exactly one 'Management Host' (one IP) and presents it's specific view of
all cluster
It may be adviseable to configure one servicecheck for each 'Management Host'.
Active check.
Details zu: View
Reports status of all defined storage views (/clusters/<cluster>/exports/storage-views)
* OK
* Degraded
* Error
* Stopped
Usage: -H <host> --cluster <cluster> -n <instance> [--help] [...] -H <host> --explore=* | --explore=<context1>/<context2>
-?, --usage Print usage information
-h, --help Print detailed help screen
-V, --version Print version information
--extra-opts=[section][@file] Read options from an ini file. See
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-u, --user=STRING Username and password to login at the Management Host.
Delimiter is a %-sign. F.e. 'nagios%MyPass'
-f, --authfile=<path> Authentication file with login and password.
Defaults to '/usr/local/quorum/monitoring/etc/vplex_credentials.ini'
File syntax:
--show_password Only usefull for debugging and if -v|--verbose is set.
Normaly only stars are printed (according to the number of characters)
for the password in verbose output. If set, the password is shown in clear-text.
--cluster=STRING Name of the cluster to check.
-n, --instance=STRING Instance name (view) to check. Storage views are in the
context '/clusters/<cluster>/exports/storage-views'
-a, --attribute=STRING Storage Views attributes to check. Can be one of: operational-status
--mock_dump Please ignore, for internal use only
--explore=STRING Explores available contextes and components. Works similar to the symcli 'ls' command.
Starts with '/clusters'. Set it to '*' to see the sub-contexts of /clusters.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check contacts exactly one 'Management Host' (one IP) and presents it's specific view of all
cluster members.
It may be adviseable to configure one servicecheck for each 'Management Host'.
$ -H --cluster=VSC-VPLEX1 -n VSC-Cluster-2
Active check.
Details zu: View
Output depending on the availability of a VPLEX witness and reports on errors or unknown states.
Usage: -H <host> --rmt_mgmt_server_ip=<ip> --witness_server_ip=<ip> --help -H <host> --explore
-?, --usage Print usage information
-h, --help Print detailed help screen
-V, --version Print version information
--extra-opts=[section][@file] Read options from an ini file. See
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-u, --user=STRING Username and password to login at the Management Host.
Delimiter is a %-sign. F.e. 'nagios%MyPass'
-f, --authfile=<path> Authentication file with login and password.
Defaults to '/usr/local/quorum/monitoring/etc/vplex_credentials.ini'
File syntax:
--show_password Only usefull for debugging and if -v|--verbose is set.
Normaly only stars are printed (according to the number of characters)
for the password in verbose output. If set, the password is shown in clear-text.
--rmt_mgmt_server_ip=STRING IP Address the Remote Management Server SHOULD have.
--witness_server_ip=STRING IP Address the Cluster Witness Server SHOULD have.
--explore Run the command 'vpn status' and print it's output.'
--mock_dump Please ignore, for internal use only
-t, --timeout=INTEGER Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check contacts exactly one 'Management Host' (one IP) and presents it's specific view of all
cluster members.
It may be adviseable to configure one servicecheck for each 'Management Host'.
Active check.
Details zu: Witness
Reports on failures of admin and operational state according to 'EMC VPLEX Administration Guide P/N 300-013-919-01' (single or dual faults).
Usage: -H <host> -u <user> [--help] [...] -H <host> --explore=* | --explore=<context1>/<context2>
-?, --usage Print usage information
-h, --help Print detailed help screen
-V, --version Print version information
--extra-opts=[section][@file] Read options from an ini file. See
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-u, --user=STRING Username and password to login at the Management Host.
Delimiter is a %-sign. F.e. 'nagios%MyPass'
-f, --authfile=<path> Authentication file with login and password.
Defaults to '/usr/local/quorum/monitoring/etc/vplex_credentials.ini'
File syntax:
--show_password Only usefull for debugging and if -v|--verbose is set.
Normaly only stars are printed (according to the number of characters)
for the password in verbose output. If set, the password is shown in clear-text.
--mock_dump Please ignore, for internal use only
--tolerance=INTEGER Maximum delay in seconds for the communication between two cluster-components.
Any delay larger that this will trigger an alarm. Must be between 0 (default)
and 86399 (one day minus 1 second).
-t, --timeout=INTEGER Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check contacts exactly one 'Management Host' (one IP) and presents it's specific view of all
cluster members.
It may be adviseable to configure one servicecheck for each 'Management Host'.
$ -H
Active check.