Check | Description | |
VMAX_COLLECTOR: | Collects the Data from the VMAX. | |
CHECK-VMAX-DEVICES: | Checks configuration status of devices. | |
CHECK-VMAX-DEVICES-SPACE: | Checks Space of VMAX Devices. | |
CHECK DIRECTORS INFO: | Checks VMAX Director status and speed. | |
CHECK DISKS: | Checks status of the disks. | |
CHECK ENVDATA: | Checks the status of the VMAX power supplies and fans. | |
CHECK POOL DEVIATION: | Checks the VMAX Pools Deviation. | |
CHECK POOL FREE: | Checks the VMAX Pools Freespace. | |
CHECK POOL STATE: | Checks the pool state. | |
CHECK DIRECTORS PORT FLAGS: | Checks the flags of the Director ports. | |
CHECK SRDF: | Checks the VMAX SRDF Devices. | |
PERF DIRECTOR: | Checks Director Performance. |
VMAX Systems
- 5875
- 5876
- EL 6/7
- Supported OP5 release
- nagios version 3.5.1 and version 4.0.8 or newer
- Perl 5.8.9
Perl modules
- Storable
- Time::HiRes
- XML::Simple
- XML::XPath
- XML::XPath::XMLParser
- XML::Twig
- IPC::Run
- Posix
- Carp
- Version
- Nagios::P lugin
- Readonly
- List::MoreUtils
- FindBin
- Data::D umper
- Hash::Util
- utf8
- File::Basename
- (Smart::Comments, only for debugging)
- Config::IniFiles
- MIME::Base64
- SYMCLI (EMC Software) must be installed on the local machine.
Release 1.0.4_1
- requirements.rst
Release 1.0.4
- Documentation Improvements
Release 1.0.1 - 1.0.3
- Documentation improvements
Release 1.0.0
- Initial release
Details about: VMAX_COLLECTOR
-?, --usage
Print usage information
-h, --help
Print detailed help screen
-V, --version
Print version information
Read options from an ini file. Lake
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING
SID of the VMAX
Path to EMCs symcli-executable on the local host. Defaults to /opt/emc/SYMCLI/bin;
-o, --outdir=STRING
Directory where to store the collected data. Defaults to /usr/local/quorum/monitoring/collected-data
Filename for importing explored data. (Demonstration mode.)
Mandatory name of the task to get data from. Must be one of: Directors Config Fibre aclx-flag disabled,
Disks, Directors Port Speeds, Directors Config Negotiated Speeds, SpareCoverage, Power Supply,
RDF1 Devices Status, Pool State, Ports, Directors Config Fibre aclx-flag enabled, Devices Status,
Directors Config SCSI Flags, Directors Config Fibre Specific Flags, Pools, Pool Free, Devices Space,
RDF2-Devices Status, Perf Director, FAST State, Standby Power Supply, Directors Status, Pool Deviation,
SRDF list
-w, --warning=STRING
Warning threshold in seconds for the total duration. (The total duration is the sum of collect- and
-c, --critical=STRING
Critical threshold in seconds for the total duration. (See --warning.)
Setting this switch to anything other than 0 prints the already collected data. (Debugging only, no
check.) By setting this switch to a positive integer, the depth of the output can be limited. For
unlimited depth in output set it to '*'.
Format of the output. Possible values are 'nagios' and 'cmd'.
Option for debugging only. Can be used to inject xml-data into a store. Requires a filename containing
the XML data. You may want to use --print_data=xml to produce a template for editing.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose
Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This script contacts the VMAX system specified with --sid and retrieves all the data needed by the
check_vmax_* scripts. There are other options too, like retrieving data from previously explore
System. See the arguments descriptions for details.
Active Check. Can be parameterized via Nagios config.
-?, --usage
Print usage information
-h, --help
Print detailed help screen
-V, --version
Print version information
Read options from an ini file. Lake
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING
IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-o, -d, --data_dir=STRING
Directory where the collected data is stored. Defaults to /usr/local/quorum/monitoring/collected-data
Taskname, required. --task=* returns a list of available tasks.
--config, --configuration=STRING
Configuration of devices that should be checked. If omitted all devices are checked.Examples: RDF1,
RDF2, ... Use --print_data to explore possible strings.
Explore mode ....
Print tasks data to stdout. Possible values are 'perl' and 'xml'.
Format of the output. Possible values are 'nagios' and 'cmd'.
Maximum age of a data-store in minutes. Defaults to 15. If stores modification-date is older, the check
RETURNS UNKNOWN. To completely disable the age-checking of stores set this argument to 0.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose
Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check uses one or several tasks to do it's job. More information about each task can be retrievd
with the switch '--explore=<Taskname>'.</Taskname> To exlore wich tasks are available for this check:
'--task=*' .
Active Check. Can be parameterized via Nagios config.
-?, --usage
Print usage information
-h, --help
Print detailed help screen
-V, --version
Print version information
Read options from an ini file. Lake
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING
IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-o, -d, --data_dir=STRING
Directory where the collected data is stored. Defaults to /usr/local/quorum/monitoring/collected-data
Taskname, required. --task=* returns a list of available tasks.
-e, --emulation=STRING
Emulation to check. Must be one of All, FBA Defaults to All.
Explore mode ....
Print tasks data to stdout. Possible values are 'perl' and 'xml'.
Format of the output. Possible values are 'nagios' and 'cmd'.
-w, --warning=INTEGER
Warning threshold in percent. Defaults to 70.
-c, --critical=INTEGER
Critical threshold in percent. Defaults to 90.
Maximum age of a data-store in minutes. Defaults to 15. If stores modification-date is older, the check
RETURNS UNKNOWN. To completely disable the age-checking of stores set this argument to 0.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose
Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check uses one or several tasks to do it's job. More information about each task can be retrievd
with the switch '--explore=<Taskname>'.</Taskname> To exlore wich tasks are available for this check:
'--task=*' .
Active Check. Can be parameterized via Nagios config.
-?, --usage
Print usage information
-h, --help
Print detailed help screen
-V, --version
Print version information
Read options from an ini file. Lake
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING
IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-o, -d, --data_dir=STRING
Directory where the collected data is stored. Defaults to /usr/local/quorum/monitoring/collected-data
Taskname, required. --task=* returns a list of available tasks.
-y, --type=STRING
Type to check. Can be one of All, DISK, FibreChannel, RDF-BI-DIR Defaults to All.
Explore mode ....
Print tasks data to stdout. Possible values are 'perl' and 'xml'.
Format of the output. Possible values are 'nagios' and 'cmd'.
Maximum age of a data-store in minutes. Defaults to 15. If stores modification-date is older, the check
RETURNS UNKNOWN. To completely disable the age-checking of stores set this argument to 0.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose
Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check uses one or several tasks to do it's job. More information about each task can be retrievd
with the switch '--explore=<Taskname>'.</Taskname> To exlore wich tasks are available for this check:
'--task=*' .
Active Check. Can be parameterized via Nagios config.
Details about: CHECK DISKS
-?, --usage
Print usage information
-h, --help
Print detailed help screen
-V, --version
Print version information
Read options from an ini file. Lake
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING
IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-o, -d, --data_dir=STRING
Directory where the collected data is stored. Defaults to /usr/local/quorum/monitoring/collected-data
Taskname, required. --task=* returns a list of available tasks.
-g, --disk_group, --group=STRING
Disk-group to check. If omitted all disk-groups are checked. Use -v to list all disks together with
their disk-groups and speeds.
Speed of disks, which should get checked. If omitted all disks independent of their speed are checked.
The speed must match exactly as string. E.g. --speed=15000 will check all disks with a speed-attribu
'15000'. Use -v to list all disks together with their disk-groups and speeds.
Explore mode ....
Print tasks data to stdout. Possible values are 'perl' and 'xml'.
Format of the output. Possible values are 'nagios' and 'cmd'.
Maximum age of a data-store in minutes. Defaults to 15. If stores modification-date is older, the check
RETURNS UNKNOWN. To completely disable the age-checking of stores set this argument to 0.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose
Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check uses one or several tasks to do it's job. More information about each task can be retrievd
with the switch '--explore=<Taskname>'.</Taskname> To exlore wich tasks are available for this check:
'--task=*' .
Active Check. Can be parameterized via Nagios config.
Details about: CHECK ENVDATA
-?, --usage
Print usage information
-h, --help
Print detailed help screen
-V, --version
Print version information
Read options from an ini file. Lake
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING
IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-o, -d, --data_dir=STRING
Directory where the collected data is stored. Defaults to /usr/local/quorum/monitoring/collected-data
Taskname, required. --task=* returns a list of available tasks.
-y, --type=STRING
Type to check. Must be one of DIRPS, MIBE, PLC, PS, MM, LCC, DIR, FAN, IOMC Defaults to DIRPS.
--location, --loc=STRING
Type to check. Must be one of DriveBay, SystemBay, EnclosureSlot, MatrixInterfaceBoardEnclosure
Explore mode ....
Print tasks data to stdout. Possible values are 'perl' and 'xml'.
Format of the output. Possible values are 'nagios' and 'cmd'.
Maximum age of a data-store in minutes. Defaults to 15. If stores modification-date is older, the check
RETURNS UNKNOWN. To completely disable the age-checking of stores set this argument to 0.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose
Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check uses one or several tasks to do it's job. More information about each task can be retrievd
with the switch '--explore=<Taskname>'.</Taskname> To exlore wich tasks are available for this check:
'--task=*' .
Active Check. Can be parameterized via Nagios config.
-?, --usage
Print usage information
-h, --help
Print detailed help screen
-V, --version
Print version information
Read options from an ini file. Lake
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING
IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-o, -d, --data_dir=STRING
Directory where the collected data is stored. Defaults to /usr/local/quorum/monitoring/collected-data
Taskname, required. --task=* returns a list of available tasks.
-w, --warning=INTEGER
Deviation warning threshold in percentage-points. Defaults to 5.
-c, --critical=INTEGER
Deviation critical threshold in percentage-points. Defaults to 10.
Explore mode ....
Print tasks data to stdout. Possible values are 'perl' and 'xml'.
Format of the output. Possible values are 'nagios' and 'cmd'.
Maximum age of a data-store in minutes. Defaults to 15. If stores modification-date is older, the check
RETURNS UNKNOWN. To completely disable the age-checking of stores set this argument to 0.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose
Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check uses one or several tasks to do it's job. More information about each task can be retrievd
with the switch '--explore=<Taskname>'.</Taskname> To exlore wich tasks are available for this check:
'--task=*' .
Active Check. Can be parameterized via Nagios config.
Details about: CHECK POOL FREE
-?, --usage
Print usage information
-h, --help
Print detailed help screen
-V, --version
Print version information
Read options from an ini file. Lake
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING
IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-o, -d, --data_dir=STRING
Directory where the collected data is stored. Defaults to /usr/local/quorum/monitoring/collected-data
Taskname, required. --task=* returns a list of available tasks.
-p, --pool, --pool_name=STRING
Which Defines pool to check. If omitted each pool is checked. Can be either a pool-name or one of the
key-words 'each' (default) or 'all'. If set to 'each', each pools free-tracks is compared against the
"I'm not new. If set to 'all', the sum of all pools free-tracks is compared against the thresholds.
Explore mode ....
Print tasks data to stdout. Possible values are 'perl' and 'xml'.
Format of the output. Possible values are 'nagios' and 'cmd'.
Maximum age of a data-store in minutes. Defaults to 15. If stores modification-date is older, the check
RETURNS UNKNOWN. To completely disable the age-checking of stores set this argument to 0.
-m, --metric=STRING
Metric, possible metrics are: relative, absolute
Default: relative
-w, --warning=STRING
Warning threshold - default depends on metric: relative(20), absolute(250)
Variables for dynamic thresholds supported and depending on metric:
relative(none), absolute('VMAX_TOTAL''FREE')
-c, --critical=STRING
Critical threshold - default depends on metric: relative(10), absolute(100)
--unit, --uom=STRING
Unit for thresholds. - default depends on metric: relative(%), absolute(B)
--prefix, --multiplicator, --factor=STRING
SI-prefix for threshold-unit - default depends on metric: relative(no
default), absolute(Gi)
Allowed prefixes are: E, Egg, G, Gi, M, Mi, P, Pi, T, Ti, k, ki, non
Further information about SI-prefixe
The prefix 'none' can be used to overide a default-set prefix an
results in a factor of
--perf_data_prefix, --perf_data_multiplicator, --perf_data_factor=STRIN
SI-prefix for perfdata-unit. Default depends on metric: relative(n
default), absolute(no default
Allowed prefixes are: E, Egg, G, Gi, M, Mi, P, Pi, T, Ti, k, ki, no
Lake so --prefi
WARNING: The perf_data_prefix will change the value, min and max bu
*not* the warning and critical thresholds in the perf-data!So using
this option will result in partially inconsistent perf-data.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose
Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check uses one or several tasks to do it's job. More information about each task can be retrievd
with the switch '--explore=<Taskname>'.</Taskname> To exlore wich tasks are available for this check:
'--task=*' .
Active Check. Can be parameterized via Nagios config.
Details about: CHECK POOL STATE
-?, --usage
Print usage information
-h, --help
Print detailed help screen
-V, --version
Print version information
Read options from an ini file. Lake
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING
IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-o, -d, --data_dir=STRING
Directory where the collected data is stored. Defaults to /usr/local/quorum/monitoring/collected-data
Task-name, required. --task=* returns a list of available tasks.
Explore mode ....
Print tasks data to stdout. Possible values are 'perl' and 'xml'.
Format of the output. Possible values are 'nagios' and 'cmd'.
Maximum age of a data-store in minutes. Defaults to 15. If stores modification-date is older, the check
RETURNS UNKNOWN. To completely disable the age-checking of stores set this argument to 0.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose
Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check uses one or several tasks to do it's job. More information about each task can be retrievd
with the switch '--explore=<Taskname>'.</Taskname> To exlore wich tasks are available for this check:
'--task=*' .
Active Check. Can be parameterized via Nagios config.
-?, --usage
Print usage information
-h, --help
Print detailed help screen
-V, --version
Print version information
Read options from an ini file. Lake
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING
IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-o, -d, --data_dir=STRING
Directory where the collected data is stored. Defaults to /usr/local/quorum/monitoring/collected-data
Task-name, required. --task=* returns a list of available tasks.
Explore mode. Set to * to get a list of available tasks or <task name=""> to get details about a
specific task.</task>
Print tasks data to stdout. Possible values are 'perl' and 'xml'.
Limit the check to a specific port. Syntax is 'Director-ID:Port-Number', eg. 'FA-8G:0' If omitted all
ports on all directors are checked.
Format of the output. Possible values are 'nagios' and 'cmd'.
Maximum age of a data-store in minutes. Defaults to 15. If stores modification-date is older, the check
RETURNS UNKNOWN. To completely disable the age-checking of stores set this argument to 0.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose
Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check uses one or several tasks to do it's job. More information about each task can be retrievd
with the switch '--explore=<Taskname>'.</Taskname> To exlore wich tasks are available for this check:
'--task=*' .
Active Check. Can be parameterized via Nagios config.
Details about: CHECK SRDF
-?, --usage
Print usage information
-h, --help
Print detailed help screen
-V, --version
Print version information
Read options from an ini file. Lake
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING
IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-o, -d, --data_dir=STRING
Directory where the collected data is stored. Defaults to /usr/local/quorum/monitoring/collected-data
Task-name, required. --task=* returns a list of available tasks.
-a, --attribute, --attr=STRING
Type to check. Can be one of pair_state, mode Defaults to pair_state.
Explore mode ....
Print tasks data to stdout. Possible values are 'perl' and 'xml'.
Format of the output. Possible values are 'nagios' and 'cmd'.
Maximum age of a data-store in minutes. Defaults to 15. If stores modification-date is older, the check
RETURNS UNKNOWN. To completely disable the age-checking of stores set this argument to 0.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose
Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check uses one or several tasks to do it's job. More information about each task can be retrievd
with the switch '--explore=<Taskname>'.</Taskname> To exlore wich tasks are available for this check:
'--task=*' .
Active Check. Can be parameterized via Nagios config.
Details about: PERF DIRECTOR
-?, --usage
Print usage information
-h, --help
Print detailed help screen
-V, --version
Print version information
Read options from an ini file. Lake
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=STRING
IP-address or hostname of the Management Host.
-o, -d, --data_dir=STRING
Directory where the collected data is stored. Defaults to /usr/local/quorum/monitoring/collected-data
Taskname, required. --task=* returns a list of available tasks.
-y, --type=STRING
Type to check. Can be one of Dir_Request_Totals, Dir_Request_Remote, Dir_Request_Backend,
Dir_Request_Frontend, all. Defaults to Dir_Request_Totals.
Explore mode ....
Print tasks data to stdout. Possible values are 'perl' and 'xml'.
Format of the output. Possible values are 'nagios' and 'cmd'.
Maximum age of a data-store in minutes. Defaults to 15. If stores modification-date is older, the check
RETURNS UNKNOWN. To completely disable the age-checking of stores set this argument to 0.
-m, --metric=STRING
Metric, possible metrics are: rw_cache_hit_pct, r_per_second,
io_per_second, rw_per_second, w_per_second
Default: rw_cache_hit_pct
-w, --warning=STRING
Warning threshold - default depends on metric: rw_cache_hit_pct(20),
r_per_second(25000), io_per_second (75000), rw_per_second(50000)
Variables for dynamic thresholds supported and depending on metric
rw_cache_hit_pct(none), r_per_second(none), io_per_second(none)
rw_per_second(none), w_per_second(none
-c, --critical=STRIN
Critical threshold - default depends on metric: rw_cache_hit_pct(10)
r_per_second(40000), io_per_second(100000), rw_per_second(80000)
--unit, --uom=STRIN
Unit for thresholds. - default depends on metric: rw_cache_hit_pct(%),
r_per_second(/s), io_per_second(/s), rw_per_second(/s), w_per_second(/s)
--prefix, --multiplicator, --factor=STRING
SI-prefix for threshold-unit - default depends on metric:
rw_cache_hit_pct(no default), r_per_second(no default), io_per_second(no
default), rw_per_second(no default), w_per_second(no default)
Allowed prefixes are: E, Egg, G, Gi, M, Mi, P, Pi, T, Ti, k, ki, non
Further information about SI-prefixe
The prefix 'none' can be used to overide a default-set prefix an
results in a factor of
--perf_data_prefix, --perf_data_multiplicator, --perf_data_factor=STRIN
SI-prefix for perfdata-unit. Default depends on metric: rw_cache_hit_pct(no
default), r_per_second(no default), io_per_second(no default)
rw_per_second(no default), w_per_second(no default
Allowed prefixes are: E, Egg, G, Gi, M, Mi, P, Pi, T, Ti, k, ki, no
Lake so --prefi
WARNING: The perf_data_prefix will change the value, min and max bu
*not* the warning and critical thresholds in the perf-data!So using
this option will result in partially inconsistent perf-data.
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose
Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
This check uses one or several tasks to do it's job. More information about each task can be retrievd
with the switch '--explore=<Taskname>'.</Taskname> To exlore wich tasks are available for this check:
'--task=*' .
Active Check. Can be parameterized via Nagios config.